

Listen with Your Eyes

 I Need Nothing - a nearly useless odyssey
music by Doughnut - Parenthetical Girls


Sixteen Candles

"Sixteen Candles" 1984
directed by John Hughes
music by Germany Germany - Moon

Cold Cold Cold...

Two Triumph from "knight Rider"

Turbo Boost!!

"Knight Rider" 1982-1986


the Wall of Death

very cool document film !

"The Wall of Death"
by  Benedict Campbell

Blazo - Introducing

Bank ART Life Shin Minatomura

 Shin Minatomura - A Small City for the Future
 新・港村 新港ピア -小さな未来都市-


                                                                                                                                        ALL PHOTO BY NAYUTA TAKAHASHI

Polygon Chesterfield by Christian Fiebig with manystudio

Christian Fiebig


Moths - Summer

addictive !!

Moths - Summer
Directed and edited by Brendan Canty


A trip of a lifetime

If it does not move, nothing starts.

directed by Rick Mereki
3 guys, 44 days, 11 countries, 18 flights, 38 thousand miles

Conor Hanick

Conor Hanick pianist


Hot Rod Custom Show 2011

Go to "Hot Rod Custom Show 2011" at Yokohama by  solo and jazz.

20th Anniversary Hot Rod Custom Show!!
*my photo is only detail. check the other site about cool style photo.

Overseas guests waiting for entrance ...

EVIL SPIRIT - Michael Baragan: http://www.evilspiritengineering.com/

                                                                             Mark Drews

HAED9 CHOPPERS - Danny Schneider:http://www.hardninechoppers.com/
                              CHABOTT ENGINNEERING - Shinya Kimura:http://www.chabottengineering.com/menu.html

 VERONIKA - Kazuto Uchida:http://veronika-ftw.blogspot.com/

                                                                                It comes out of the hall and is to a parking lot...

there was more cool  spirit-bike here!
Sedition "Style Wars":http://5edition.blogspot.com/


                   It is precious experience as concentration of many ideas which do not come
                   at once can be seen.